Our Projects

Amboseli Wildlife Corridors
The Africa Conservancy Foundation is partnering with Big Life Foundation to secure critical elephant corridors in the Amboseli ecosystem. The target land parcels lie within the vital wildlife corridor linking three of Kenya’s most celebrated national parks: Amboseli, Chyulu and Tsavo West.

Conservation Easements
In the month of March 2021 ACF successfully established a Wildlife Conservation Order or Easement for the Lake Chala Conservancy, setting a precedence for the protection of wildlife corridors and dispersal areas in Kenya.

Olkinyei Conservancy
The Africa Conservancy Foundation is partnering with the Wildlife Habitat Trust in the conservation of the Ol Kinyei Conservancy in the Maasai Mara. This 18,700 acre Kenyan wildlife conservancy is on a stretch of land belonging to a Maasai community